How To Find Low Competition Keywords From YouTube

 How To Find Low Competition Keywords From YouTube

How To Find Low Competition Keywords From YouTube

It's much easier to rank YouTube videos if keywords are less competitive.

It is easier to rank for competitive keywords if you are able to get first page rankings.

What are the advantages of finding keywords with low competition?

1. Because of the high competition, single keywords are nearly impossible to rank for. If you search for "dog training" in YouTube's search bar, you will get 10,000 results. You'll only get 209,000 results if you type 'dog training tips & tricks pitbull'. The top result is only three years old.

2. Keywords with low competition require less effort. It may take months to rank for very competitive phrases in search engines.

3. You can have a video that works 24 hours a day, 7 days a semaine. The work you put into a video will pay off years later. I have videos I made many years ago that generate traffic, leads, and subscribers month after month.

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4. Your channel will become more authoritative if you rank more videos using low-competition keywords. This allows you to target more competitive phrases and rank them. Even though one video might only rank for a few hundred searches per month, others will get hundreds to thousands of views.

Here are my 7 Steps to Rank Videos For Low Competition Keywords.

1. 1. Choose one keyword in a main niche
If your channel is about dog training, your niche keyword could be "dog training".

2. 2. Enter your key keyword in the Google auto-suggest field.
This will give you a list of similar keyword phrases. This list is arranged in descending order. The top phrase gets more searches than the rest. It might not be as competitive to go for the top phrase, but that will be something we look into later when we reverse-engineer our competitors.

3. Copy and paste the keyword phrases.
In an excel spreadsheet, or in a notepad.

This exercise is designed to help you find the most relevant keyword phrase that isn't so competitive.

4. 4. Check the search volume.
You can use the keyword tools, such as the Keyword Planner extension from Google or the Keywords Everywhere extension. These tools will provide you with an estimate of how many searches are made for specific keywords phrases each month.

Example: If I type the keyword phrase "how to train a puppy" and the keywords "everywhere extension", I get 18,100 hits. I receive 320 searches per month if I type 'how train a dog attack on command'. It doesn't show any searches if I type 'how train your dog to attack at command step-by' into the keyword discovery tool. It will tell me that people are searching this phrase and show me the competition.

5. You can reverse engineer your competitors.
In the YouTube search box, enter your keyword phrase. This is the exact keyword phrase people type into the YouTube search box. It still returns a lot of results. Take a look at the top 10 videos ranked for this keyword phrase. You're fine if none of them has the exact keyword phrase. This means that there is little to no competition for the keyword phrase.

Although it might not rank well for the keyword phrase in question, it will get more searches than other keywords. Your channel will become more authoritative if you rank videos with lower competition keywords. It will also be easier to rank for competitive phrases.

6. Make sure your video keeps viewers interested.
YouTube rewards videos that have high rankings if they keep viewers interested for longer periods of time.

If you make a 10-minute video, and viewers watch it for five minutes, that's a 50% view rate. This video will rank higher that a 2-minute video, where viewers drop off after 30 seconds. It is important to keep your viewers watching through your video.

What can you do to do this?
Start your video immediately by telling viewers what type of content to expect. This is an example of how I began this video: "In this video we're going to talk about how to find low-competition keywords from YouTube."

Next, you will want to outline a benefit for your viewers. In this example video, I asked the question: "Do you know that it is easier to rank videos on YouTube if keywords are less competitive?"

Once you have given your introduction, you can rephrase what the video is about. However, don't repeat it exactly as you did before. In this example, I said "Stay tuned for seven steps to find keywords on YouTube that can search traffic but don’t have many competitors."

Follow up with a call to action after you have provided the meat of the content. This could be done with an in-screen card or a card. It gives people a reason to sign up when you ask them to do so at the end or beginning of your video. In this example video, I encourage people to subscribe if it is their goal to grow their YouTube audience and generate traffic and leads on autopilot.

7. Monitor performance.
YouTube analytics can be used to track how your videos perform on YouTube. You can see how long people stay on your YouTube video if you go to YouTube analytics. You can improve your engagement rate by removing them from the beginning.

You can do this by placing a card at their drop-off point. You will encourage them interact with your video. Also, you can look at the average duration of your video's views. This is the average time spent per view on that video. Your video is performing well if your average view duration exceeds 50%.

Here's a bonus tip
For your main keyword, repeat the seven-step process.
This will increase channel authority and make it easier to rank for competitive keywords. This is an important point to remember: As you create more videos that contain low-competition keywords, more videos will appear on your video watch page. A list of recommended videos from your channel will be displayed on the right side when someone watches your video.

Let me ask you one question.
What tools are you using to assist with keyword research on YouTube
Leave your comments below. Your answers are welcome.

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